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doktor nauk medycznych
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A medical doctor. Doctor of Medicine
to musi być pomocne
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that must be helpful. that must be helpful.
to musi być pomocne
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that must be helpful. that must be helpful.
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tool. tool. tool. tool. tool.
to narzędzie musi być pomocne.
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this tool must be helpful. this. tool must. be helpful.
to narzędzie musi być pomocne.
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this tool helpful. this tool. must be helpful.
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equipment. equipment. equipment. equipment
to jest mój sprzęt.
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this is my equipment. this is my. equipment. this is my. equipment.
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rent. rent. rent.
czy ten sprzęt można wynająć.
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can this equipment be rented. can this. rented. can. this equipment. be rented.
czy ten sprzęt można wynająć.
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can. this equipment. be rented.
tu można wynająć sprzęt
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here you can rent equipment. here. you. can. rent. equipment.
tu można wynająć sprzęt narciarski.
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Here you can rent ski equipment. Here you can rent ski equipment. Here you. can. rent. ski. equipment.
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ski. ski. ski. ski.
tu można wynająć sprzęt narciarski.
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Here you can rent ski equipment.
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doctorate. doctorate. doctorate.
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electronic engineering
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engineering. engineering. engineering.
cieszę się, że jestem tutaj dzisiaj
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I'm happy to be here today. I'm happy to be here. today. I'm. be. here. today.
miło ciebie poznać/ przyjemnie ciebie spotkać
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nice to meet you / nice to meet you. pleased to meet you
przyjemnie ciebie spotkać
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pleased to meet you. pleased to meet you.
to jest trudne do powiedzenia
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that is hard to say. that is hard to say. that is hard to say.
inny. kolejny
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another. another. another.
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to use. to use. to use.
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internationally. internationally. internationally
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to join. join. join. join
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team. team. team. team.
cieszę się dołączając do tego zespołu
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I am happy to join this team. I am happy to join this team.
badanie/ badania naukowe
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research / research. research / research
prowadzić badania naukowe
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to do research. to do research. to do research.
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development. development. development.
rozwój miasta
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city development. city development.
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to develop. develop. develop. develop
Rozwijać (rozbudować) firmę.
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Grow your business. Grow your business.

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