budge, to broadcast, extinction, renovate, tiring, Plasterboard, straw, repetitively, tile, precast walls, precast, I haven't seen it with my own eyes, lettuce, associate

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The heavy door wouldn’t {drgnęły}, no matter how hard he pushed.
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Budge {bʌdʒ}
The news channel {nadawał} the event live.
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To Broadcast
Many animal species are at risk of {wyginięcia}.
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Extinction {ɪkˈstɪŋk.ʃən}
They decided to {odnowić, wyremontować} their old house instead of buying a new one.
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Renovate {ˈren.ə. veɪt}
The hike up the mountain was extremely {męcząca}.
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Tiring {ˈtaɪə. rɪŋ}
The walls were made of {płyty gipsowo-kartonowej}.
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Plasterboard {ˈplɑː. stə. bɔːd}
We need more {cementu} to finish the foundation.
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Cement {sɪˈment}
The road was {kręta} and difficult to drive on.
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Curvy {ˈkɜː. vi}
The floor was made of {marmuru}, giving it an elegant look.
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Marble {ˈmɑː. bəl}
The farmer covered the ground with {słomą} to protect the crops.
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Straw {strɔː}
He {powtarzająco} tapped his fingers on the table while waiting.
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Repetitively {rɪˈpet.ɪ. tɪv. li}
The cat sharpened its {pazury} on the tree.
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Claws {klɔːz}
The roof was covered with red {dachówkami}.
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Tiles {taɪlz}
The building was constructed using {ściany prefabrykowane}.
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Precast Walls {ˈpriː. kɑːst wɔːlz}
They used {prefabrykowane} concrete elements for faster construction.
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Precast {ˈpriː. kɑːst}
I can’t be sure because {nie widziałem tego na własne oczy}.
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I Haven't Seen It with My Own Eyes {aɪ ˈhæv.ənt siːn ɪt wɪð maɪ əʊn aɪz}
She added some fresh {sałaty} to the sandwich.
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Lettuce {ˈlet.ɪs}
We need to {podnieść poziom gleby} before planting.
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To Increase the Level of the Soil {tuː ɪnˈkriːs ðə ˈlev.əl ɒv ðə sɔɪl}
The temperature {spadła} significantly overnight.
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To Decrease {tuː dɪˈkriːs}
The farmer needed to {zaorać} his fields before planting crops.
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To Plough {plaʊ}
The logs {kłody} were taken to the {tartak} for processing.
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Sawmill {ˈsɔː. mɪl}
They organized an event to {zasadzić drzewa} in the city park.
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Plant Trees {plɑːnt triːz}
The company decided to {włączyć} new technologies into its production process.
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Incorporate {ɪnˈkɔː. pər. eɪt}
People often {kojarzą} this brand with high quality.
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Associate {əˈsəʊ. si. eɪt}
I can’t {przypomnieć sobie} his name right now.
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Recall {rɪˈkɔːl}

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