Boris declares war on knife gangs...1

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to try to deal with (something or someone)
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Boris Johnson put tackling youth crime at the forefront
to regard sth as the most important
Pol. wysunąć coś na pierwszy plan
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put sth at the forefront
Boris Johnson put tackling youth crime at the forefront of his mayoralty
if sth causes the death of people it ____
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claims their lives
the spiralling violence has claimed the lives of 12 teenagers
Pol. wzrastający w szybkim tempie
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the spiralling violence
to admit, often unwillingly, (that something is true)
Pol. przyznać (się), uznać
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The Mayor conceded that his hardline approach would be unfashionable
_____ beliefs or plans are those which are fixed and do not change
Pol. bezkompromisowy, nieustępliwy
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his hardline approach would be unfashionable
to cause either a complete success or ruin of (a person, project, etc.)
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make or break
Mr Johnson's establishes it as a "make or break" issue for him.
a promise, or something that is given as a sign that you will keep a promise
Pol. zobowiązanie, przyrzeczenie
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he pledges to bring in a disciplined approach
Pol. ustanowić, określić, ustalić
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He establishes the spiralling violence as a "make or break" issue for him.
to increase or improve something and make it more successful
Pol. zwiększać, poprawiać, wzmacniać
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a youth project boosts motivation, confidence and team-building skills.
very unusual, unlikely or unexpected
Pol. dziwaczny, niecodzienny
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"These teenage killings are not a series of freak events.
the highest point or top of something
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Each fatal stabbing is at the apex of a pyramid of violence
a man who acts violently, esp. to commit a crime
Pol. zbir, oprych
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violent behaviour in which people fight and attack others
Pol. bandytyzm
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violence, thuggery and bullying
a person who is given the power to act instead of another person, or the person whose rank is immediately below that of the leader of an organisation
Pol. zastępca
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new deputy mayor for young people
a device operated by hand which locks into position and prevents a vehicle from moving
Pol. hamulec ręczny
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the "hand-brake turn" needed in their lives
solve a problem
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crack a problem
We aren't going to crack our problem
an often imaginary line that marks the edge or limit of something
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children were brought up without boundaries and without respect
Pol. zaśmiecanie.
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littering have to be stamped out
If someone ______something they stop it or destroy it
Pol. położyć kres, wyplenić, stłumić
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stamps out
low-level disorder have to be stamped out before they lead to more serious offences.
Pol. tym bardziej
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all the more
it is all the more reason to make a start."
Pol. prowadzić kampanię na rzecz czegoś
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lobby for sth
He said he would lobby for tougher sentencing

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