book 1A/4/2part

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question réponse
excuse me
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coming and going
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Immigration/ departure
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yes, i know
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그래, 알아
Who is this?
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이분이 누구에요?
what is your job
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당신의 직업은 무엇입니까
I'm a company employee
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회사 원이에요
where are you from?
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어느 나라 사람이에요?
how many apples do you have?
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당신은 얼마나 많은 사과를 가지고 있습니까?
what is this place?
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여기가 어디에요?
Is Andy here?
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앤디 씨 여기 있어요?
no. he is not/ does not have
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아니요. 없어요
Are you in a restaurant
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식당에 있어요
to sleep
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to know
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I know that point/feeling
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그 심점 알아요
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