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with nose
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with nails
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stare like a stocker
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with hand
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with eyes
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to bring your eyebrowns together when you are thinking
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go down on your knees
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with arms
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white smile when you show your teeth
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touch gently with hand
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take out from mouth the saliva
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hit with a fist
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when we can't concentrate
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mind drifts or wanders
it is working very fast
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mind starts to race
when we like someone or when we stress out
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heart beats fast
during panic attack
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belly rises and falls
to shake with very small movements because of a very unpleasant thought or feeling
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body shudders
tired, thinking
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wipe your forehead
when you are suprised
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raise your eyebrows
move the hand to the top
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raise your hand
when you can't breath
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cluch your chest
when you got the idea
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click your fingers
when you fall asleep
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drop your head
to move it a bit, like I don't know or whatever
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shrug your shoulders
when we want to hit someone
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clench your fist
to put arms on the back and straighten out
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support your back
to move because you sit for a long time
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stretch your legs
when you flirt
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flutter your eyelashes

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