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question English réponse English
central and important
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a privotal figure/role/idea
followingor obeying a rule, law, wish
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in accordance with
to help to cause an event or situation
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contribute to sth
very sensitive and delicate in the way you behave or to do sth
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with exquisite precision
physical, mental, and behavioral changes that follow a 24-hour cycle
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circadian rhythm
to look at sth for a short time, esspecually sth that you are not suppoused to see
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to peek inside
on the same principles
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on the same position
to use a particular amount of time for sth
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to allot
to show that a particular situation exists, or that sth is likely to be true
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to inficate, point to
one of the mosy important events, changes, or discoveries that influences someone or sth
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the process of getting back information stored on a computer system
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a long search for something that is difficult to find, or an attempt to achieve
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to improve something
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if something that you value very much is..., you will lose it if a plan or action is not successful
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at stake
to do sth better than someone else or be more successful
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to outstrip
to pay attention to someone's advice or warning
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to heed
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but not if
but for, if it hadn't been for
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gdyby nie
used to make an event more formal or hypothetical
commencer à apprendre
If I were to applay for the position, do you think I would stand a chance
used when you do not expect sometjing to happen
commencer à apprendre
if you should see my keys anywhere, do let me know
unlikely or unexpected, used with should
commencer à apprendre
if you should happen to see my keys anywhere, do let me know.

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