biznes / zbiorowe

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question réponse
urlop macierzyński
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maternity leave
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okres wypowiedzenia
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period of notice
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zwolnienie z pracy
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przywrócić do pracy
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zwolnić z obowiązków
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przywileje wynikające ze stażu pracy
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wykwalifikowany pracownik
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skilled worker
media społecznościowe
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social media
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commencer à apprendre
stand in for
typowe pytania
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standard Questions
zarządzanie stresem
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stress management
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wziąć odpowiedzialność
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take on responsibility
przejąć obowiązki
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take over
puszka coli
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can of coke
płyta betonu
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a slab of concrete
kłos zboża
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an ear of corn
ziarnko zboża
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a grain of corn
skupisko chat
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a cluster of cottages
grupa krytyków
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a bevy of critics
torba chipsów
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a bag of crisps
stado jeleni
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a herd of deer
atak choroby
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a fit of disease
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a board of directors
odrobina brudu
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a speck of dirt
sfora psów
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a pack of dogs
drobinka kurzu
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a mote of dust
gruda ziemi
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a clod of earth
tuzin jajek
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a dozen of eggs
grupa ekspertów
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a bevy of experts
zespół ekspertów
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a team of experts
akt wiary
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an act of faith
ławica ryb
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a shoal of fish
blok mieszkalny
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a block of flats
torebka mąki
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a packet of flour
bukiet kwiatów
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bunch of flowers / bouquet of flowers
grządka kwiatów
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a bed of flowers
kępa kwiatów
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a clump of flowers
przejaw głupoty
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an act of folly
drużyna piłkarzy
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a team of footballers
grono przyjaciół
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a bunch of friends
dowód przyjaźni
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a token of friendship
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a bit, an item, a piece of furniture
ząbek czosnku
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a clove of garlic
lot gęsi
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a flight / a gaggle of geese
przebłysk geniuszu
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a stroke of genius
grupa pięknych dziewczyn
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a bevy of beautiful girls
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a pane of glass
odłamek szkła
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a splinter of glass
rój komarów
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a swarm of gnats
kępka trawy
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a tuft of grass
siła wyższa
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an act of God
sztabka złota
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a bar of gold
kiść winogron
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a bunch, a cluster of grapes
dowód wdzięczności
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a token of gratitude
kępka włosów
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a tuft of hair
skupisko domów
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a cluster of houses
blok lodowy
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a block of ice

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