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a hassle
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something that is annoying because it causes difficulty or trouble
to shudder
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to shake suddenly and briefly, especially in fear or disgust
to spring up
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to appear unexpectedly
You're nothing but a self-indulgent, apathetic brat.
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allowing yourself to have or do anything you enjoy
Jesteś tylko rozpieszczonym, apatycznym bachorem.
a touchy subject
Hope it's not a touchy subject.
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something that you have to talk about carefully as it can make people angry or unhappy
Mam nadzieję, że to nie jest drażliwy temat.
to turn up
It might take 20 minutes to turn up.
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to arrive or to come to something
Może się pojawić za 20 minut.
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behaving in a way that seems too young for your age

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