Bingo 3 unit 6 cz. 2 (lesson 27 , lesson 29)

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question réponse
1 Czym się interesujesz?
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1 What are you interested in?
2 On sie interesuje/Ona interesuje się
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2 He is interested in/She is interested in
3. granie w gry komputerowe
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3. playing computer games
4 lekkoatletyka/.bieganie i skakanie/
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4 athletic//running and jumping
5 dzikie zwierzeta, ogladanie je w zoo
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5 wild animals, watching them at the zoo
6. muzyka pop/słuchanie moich ulubionych CD
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6. pop music/listening to my favorite CDs
7. ksiazki o kosmosie/czytanie książek o gwiazdach
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7. books about space/reading books about stars
8. samochody wyścigowe/zbieranie obrazków o nich
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8. racing cars/collecting pictures of them
9 plastyka/rysowanie i malowanie
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9 art/drawing and painting
10. dobre filmy/ogladanie telewizji
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10. good films//watching tv
11 słynny aktorzy/kolekcjowanie ich fotofrafii
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11 famous actors/collecting their photographs
12 szkło
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12 glass
13. drewno
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13. wood (łud)
14. metal
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14. metal
14. plastik
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14. plastic
15. papier
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15. paper (pejper)
16. skóra
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16. leather (leder)
17. To jest zrobione
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17. It is made of...
18. kulki
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18. marbles (marbels)
19. linijka
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19 ruler (rula)
20 grzebień
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20 comb (keum)
21 sweter
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21 sweater
22 buty
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22 shoes (szuz)
23 książka
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23 book

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