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question American English réponse American English
commencer à apprendre
watch multiple episodes of a television programme over a short period of time.
on demand
commencer à apprendre
as soon as or whenever required.
prime time
commencer à apprendre
he time at which a radio or television audience is expected to be at its highest.
commencer à apprendre
an event or programme which is run again.
commencer à apprendre
a person who shows reverence and adoration for a deity
commencer à apprendre
a physician, dentist, or other person licensed, registered, or otherwise permitted by the U.S. or the jurisdiction in which he or she practices, to issue prescriptions for drugs for human use.
commencer à apprendre
a person who has arranged to receive or access a service.
gravitate towards
commencer à apprendre
To gravitate is to move toward or feel attracted to something. People gravitate toward things they like. Gravitate used to refer to how gravity pulls objects toward the Earth, but now it also describes how people are pulled toward things they like.
commencer à apprendre
a light touch or push.

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