Biezace slowka

 0    17 fiche    annapolanczyk
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robic siku
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Pee, peing, peed
niewątpliwie, bez watpliwosci
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no doubt
Wpuszczam cię, wpuscilam Cie
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Let you in
Otworzyłem się
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I opened up
w 2012 roku
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in 2020
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They were sneezing
Daj mi to czerwone
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Give me the red one
Daj mi te czerwone
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Give me the red ones
onegdaj, kilka dni temu
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the other day
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these days
ja też nie
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me neither
tak, to ona (tak ona jest przy telefonie
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yes, this is she
Jestem tym, który wie
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I am the one who knows
w tym tygodniu
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this week
Czyj to portfel?
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Whose wallet is this?
włamał się do
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broke into
czy widzisz tamte dziewczyny
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can you see those girls

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