benefit, fund, in someone's favorite, he's on his favor, to tax, righteous, spend, fragile, venerable, malicious, shrink, ignite, ignition, legacy, existential, embodiment

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question English réponse English
This new policy will be a great {korzyść} to all employees.
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Benefit {ˈben.ɪ. fɪt}
The charity received a large {fundusz} to support its activities.
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Fund {fʌnd}
The decision was made {na czyjąś korzyść} due to his contributions.
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In Someone's Favor {ɪn ˈsʌm. wʌnz ˈfeɪ. vər}
Despite their argument, {on jest w jego łasce} once again.
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He's on His Favor {hiːz ɒn hɪz ˈfeɪ. vər}
The government plans {opodatkować} luxury goods at a higher rate.
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To Tax {tuː tæks}
He was known as a {prawy} and fair judge.
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Righteous {ˈraɪ. tʃəs}
The old vase is very {kruchy}, so handle it with care.
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Fragile {ˈfrædʒ. aɪl}
The professor is a {czcigodny} figure in the field of philosophy.
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Venerable {ˈven.ər.ə. bəl}
He spread {złośliwe} rumors to ruin her reputation.
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Malicious {məˈlɪʃ.əs}
Wool sweaters tend to {kurczyć się} in hot water.
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Shrink {ʃrɪŋk}
The firefighter managed to {zapalić} the damp wood.
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Ignite {ɪɡˈnaɪt}
The car wouldn't start due to an issue with the {zapłon}.
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Ignition {ɪɡˈnɪʃ.ən}
The novel explores deep {egzystencjalne} questions about human nature.
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Existential {ˌɛɡ. zɪˈsten.ʃəl}
She is the {ucieleśnienie} of kindness and generosity.
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Embodiment {ɪmˈbɒd.i. mənt}

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