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question réponse
nie przegrasz
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you aren't going to lose
zabijesz mnie?
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are you going to kill me?
będziemy oglądać film
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we are going to watch a film
zburzą ten stary teatr
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they are going to demolish this old theatre
co zrobisz?
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what are you going to do?
Pomogę ci
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I am going to help you
będziesz to jeść?
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are you going to eat that?
zapłacisz za to
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you are going to pay for it
Nie zostawię was tu
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I'm not going to leave you here
będzie padać
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its going to rain
masz zamiar mnie przeprosić?
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are you going to apologize to me?
będą o tym pisać książki
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they are going to write books about it
on się z nią ożeni
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he is going to marry her
skończysz to
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you are going to finish this
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I'm going to throw up

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