Basia G - Vocabulary 121 - everyday English/conversational phrases

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straszyć kogoś/ grozić komuś
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to scare someone/ to threaten somebody
w obecności innych dzieci
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in the presence of other children
zaprowadzałam ją do szkoły
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I took/walked her to school
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a caretaker
Jestem tą osobą, która ma więcej do powiedzenia
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I'm the one who has more to say
w spokojnej atmosferze
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in a peaceful/calm atmosphere
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to encourage (encourage - encouraged - encouraged)
robot kuchenny
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a food processor
Pozwól mi to dobrze zrozumieć
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Let me get this straight
napełnić lodówkę
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to fill the fridge
ścisła rodzina
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a close family
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a fabric
koniec końców/ w ostatecznym rozrachunku
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at the end of the day
jednakże/ mówiąc to
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that being said
Jest jak jest
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It is what it is
zgoda/brzmi dobrze
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Fair enough

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