B2 2nd Part

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Keep (sb/sth) away
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Mantenerse alejado/lejos / No dejar acercar
Keep on doing sth
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Continuar haciendo algo
Keep Sb in
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Mantener dentro (no dejar salir) / Castigar sin salir
Keep Sth down
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Keep to Sth
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Cumplir, Ceñirse a
Keep up (with sb/sth)
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Mantener(se) al corriente (de algo)
Keep up (with sb/sth)
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Seguir el ritmo
Key Sth in
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Introducir datos
Let (Sb) off Sb
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Dejar salir impune / Castigo leve
Live up to Sth
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Responder a las expectativas
Log off
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Salir (del ordenador/PC)
Look after Sb / Sth
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Cuidar, Ocuparse de
Look at Sth
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Examinar, mirar
Look for Sth / Sb
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Look forward to Sth (doing Sth)
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Esperar (hacer algo) con anhelo
Look into Sth
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Examinar, Invetigar
Look (Sth) up Sth
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Buscar información
Look up to Sb
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Respetar, Admirar
Make for Swh
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Dirigirse a
Make up for Sth
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Make (Sth/Sb) out Sth/Sb
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Miss out on Sth
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Perderse / Pasar por alto
Pick (Sth) up Sth
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Coger algo (aprenderlo al momento)
Pull away
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Alejarse, Apartarse
Pull on Sth
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Ponerse algo (ropa) rapidamente
Pull up
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Parar (vehñiculo)
Put (Sth/Sb) down (Sth/Sb)
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Dejar (en algún sitio)
Put Sb off (Sb)
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Desagradar / Quitar las ganas

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