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maszyna (n) wściekły (przym) Pani (n)
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machine (n) mad (adj) Madam (n)
wykonany z/z/z (v)
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made of/from/out of (v)
• Jej koszula jest wykonana z bawełny. magazyn (rzecz)
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• Her shirt is made of cotton. magazine (n)
magia (adj & n) wspaniały (adj)
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magic (adj & n) magnificent (adj)
mail, wysyłać (n & v) główny (adj)
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mail (n & v) main (adj)
danie główne (n)
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main course (n)
zrobić (v) upewnić się (v) zrobić makijaż (n) męski (przym & n) centrum handlowe (n)
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make (v) make sure (v) make-up (n) male (adj & n) mall (n)
• sprzedawca w centrum handlowym (n)
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• shopping mall man (n)
zarządzać (v)
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manage (v)
• zarządzać firmą
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• to manage a business
• zdążyć coś zrobić (odnieść sukces)
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• to manage to do something (succeed in)
kierownik (n)
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manager (n)
mango (rzecz.)
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mango (n)
wiele (det & pron)
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many (det & pron)
mapa (n) znak (n) rynek (n)
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map (n) mark (n) market (n)
• kupić coś z małżeństwa rynkowego (n)
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• to buy something from a market marriage (n)
żonaty (adj) poślubić (v) cudowny (adj) pasować (n & v)
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married (adj) marry (v) marvellous (adj) match (n & v)
• pudełko zapałek (n)
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• a box of matches (n)
• mecz tenisa (n)
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• a tennis match (n)
• Ten krawat pasuje do twojej koszuli. (v)
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• This tie matches your shirt. (v)
kolega (n)
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mate (n)
materiał (n)
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material (n)
matematyka / matematyka (n) (Br inż.) (Am inż.:
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maths / mathematics (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng:
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sprawa, kwestia, materia / liczyć się (n i v)
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matter (n & v)
• Czy cos sie liczy? (N)
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• Is anything the matter? (n)
• To nie ma znaczenia. (v)
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• It doesn't matter. (v)
maksimum (adj & n)
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maximum (adj & n)
może (mv) może (adv) ja (pron) posiłek (n) oznacza (v)
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may (mv) maybe (adv) me (pron) meal (n) mean (v)
• Co masz na myśli?
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• What do you mean?
• Co to znaczy? znaczenie (n)
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• What does it mean? meaning (n)
tymczasem, w miedzy czasie (adv) mierzyć (v)
Tymczasem, mamy kilka innych rzeczy do zrobienia
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meanwhile (adv) measure (v)
Meanwhile, we have a few other things to do.
mięso (n)
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meat (n)
mechanik (n) medycyna (n)
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mechanic (n) medicine (n)
średni (przym.)
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medium (adj)
spotkać (v)
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meet (v)
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meeting (n)
melon (n)
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melon (n)
członek (n) członkostwo (n) pamięć (n)
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member (n) membership (n) memory (n)
• mieć dobrą/słabą pamięć
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• to have a good/poor memory
• Szczęśliwe wspomnienia
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• happy memories
• pamięć komputera
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• computer memory
naprawić (v)
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mend (v)
wzmianka (v) menu (n) bałagan (n) wiadomość (n)
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mention (v) menu (n) mess (n) message (n)
niechlujny (przym) metalowy (n)
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messy (adj) metal (n)
metoda (n)
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method (n)
• nowoczesne metody nauczania metr (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: metr)
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• modern methods of teaching metre (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: meter)
mikrofalówka (n)
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microwave (n)
• kuchenka mikrofalowa / w południe (n)
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• a microwave oven / midday (n)
środek (rzecz.)
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middle (n)
w średnim wieku (adj) północ (n)
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middle-aged (adj) midnight (n)
móc (mv)
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might (mv)
łagodny (adj) mila (n) mleko (n)
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mild (adj) mile (n) milk (n)
milimetr (mm) (n)
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millimetre (mm) (n)
milion (n) umysł (n i v)
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million (n) mind (n & v)
• Jego umysł był skupiony na innych rzeczach. (N)
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• His mind was on other things. (n)
• Miałbyś coś przeciwko, gdybym zadzwonił jutro? (v)
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• Would you mind if I called tomorrow? (v)
• Uważaj na głowę! (v)
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• Mind your head! (v)
• Kto opiekuje się twoim dzieckiem? (v)
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• Who's minding the baby for you? (v)
podejmij decyzję / szybko
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• Make your mind up / quickly! (v)
mój (pron)
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mine (pron)
woda mineralna (n) minimum (adj & n) minus (prep)
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mineral water (n) minimum (adj & n) minus (prep)
minuta (rzecz.)
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minute (n)
lustro (n) smutny, nieszczęśliwy (adj) tęsknić (v)
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mirror (n) miserable (adj) miss (v)
Miss (n) brak (adj) błąd (n) mix (v & n)
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Miss (n) missing (adj) mistake (n) mix (v & n)
komórkowy (telefon) (n)
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mobile (phone) (n)
model (n)
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model (n)
• Jest tani, bo to zeszłoroczny model. (N)
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• It's cheap because it's last year's model. (n)
• Jest modelką. (N)
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• She’s a fashion model. (n)
nowoczesny (adj) moment (n) pieniądze (n) małpa (n) potwór (n) miesiąc (n) pomnik (n) nastrój (n)
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modern (adj) moment (n) money (n) monkey (n) monster (n) month (n) monument (n) mood (n)
księżyc (n)
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moon (n)
bardziej, więcej
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rano (rzecz.)
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morning (n)
komar (n)
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mosquito (n)
bardzo, prawie
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głównie (przysł.)
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mostly (adv)
matka (n) motocykl (n) motocykl (n) wyścigi samochodowe (n)
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mother (n) motorbike (n) motorcycle (n) motor-racing (n)
autostrada (n) góra (n) mysz (n) wąsy (n) usta (n)
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motorway (n) mountain (n) mouse (n) moustache (n) mouth (n)
ruch (v)
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move (v)
film (n)
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movie (n)
gwiazda filmowa (n)
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movie star (n)
kino (n)
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movie theater, cinema(n)
Odtwarzacz MP3 (n)
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MP3 player (n)
Pan (n)
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Mr (n)
pani (n)
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Mrs (n)
Pani (n)
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Ms (n)
dużo, znacznie więcej
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kubek (n)
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mug (n)
mama (n) muzeum (n) grzyb (n) muzyka (n) musical (adj) muzyk (n) musi (mv) pomnożyć (v)
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mum (n) museum (n) mushroom (n) music (n) musical (adj) musician (n) must (mv) multiply (v)
moja (det) ja (pron) tajemnica (n)
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my (det) myself (pron) mystery (n)

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