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Złapałem kapcia
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I’ve got a flat tyre.
Miałem stłuczkę.
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I had a bump/I had a crash
Coś się tłucze w zawieszeniu
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Something is breaking in the suspension
Samochód gaśnie
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The car goes off/The engine cuts out
samopchód wyświetla komunikat o niskich obrotach
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the car displays a low RPM message
Ściąga mnie na lewo/prawo.
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Pulls me left/right./It draws off to the left/right.
Nie podnosi się szyba.
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The window does not go up/The pane doesn’t go up.
Nie otwiera się klapka paliwa.
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The fuel flap does not open.
Silnik nie pracuje równo.
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The engine does not run smoothly/The engine works unevenly.
The engine works unevenly.
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The engine works unevenly.
Potrzebuję lawety
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I need a tow truck/I need a car hauler.

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