Augustas 24th Feb (30 min)

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question réponse
Long time no see
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Ilgai nesimatėme
last week
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Praeitą savaitę
Barcelona is in Spain.
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Barselona yra Ispanijoje.
don't do it again
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daugiau to nedaryk
that's all right
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viskas gerai
How was your flight?
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Kaip praėjo tavo skrydis?
The flight was good.
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Skrydis buvo geras.
How long was the flight?
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Kiek truko skrydis?
The flight was 3 hours and 5 minutes.
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Skrydis truko 3 valandas ir 5 minutes.
What did you do on the plane?
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Ką tu veikei lėktuve?
to sit - sat
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Did you watch anything on the plane?
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Ar ką nors žiūrėjote lėktuve?
On the plane I played games and watched videos on youtube.
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Lėktuve žaidžiau žaidimus ir žiūrėjau vaizdo įrašus per youtube.
to watch a film
I'm watching a film now.
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žiūrėti filmą
What time was the flight?
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Kada buvo skrydis?
The flight was at 5 am.
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Skrydis buvo 5 val.
Yesterday I was tired.
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Vakar buvau pavargusi.
you were tired
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tu buvai pavargusi
you were hgungry
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tu buvai alkanas
to sleep - slept
Yesterday I slept 10 hours.
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I slept 4 hours.
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Miegojau 4 valandas.
Did you like it?
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Ar tau patiko?
to order your food
Can you order your food in English?
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užsakyti savo maistą
When did you come back to Vilnius?
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Kada grįžai į Vilnių?
We came back to Vilnius on Sunday.
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Sekmadienį grįžome į Vilnių.

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