Arturas 17th May (45 min)

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What date ... today?
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What date is today?
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It's the 17th of May.
the second month
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It's the FIRST of April.
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It's the 5th of August.
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the ninth
the 6th month
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Oh my god!
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Oh my word! / Oh my gosh!
When ... you born?
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When WERE you born?
I ... born ON the 30th of November.
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I WAS born ON the 30th of November.
I ... born ... 1985.
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I WAS born IN 1985.
Tom ... born in 2010.
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Tom WAS born in 2010.
I'm late because my alarm didn't GO...
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I'm late because my alarm didn't GO OFF.
a contest
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a competition
last weekend
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do NOT say ON last weekend
to participate IN sth
I participated in a competition.
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to take part IN sth
I took part in a competition.
last Monday
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do NOT say ON last Monday
last week
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do NOT say: ON last week
Last weekend I took ... in a maths competition.
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Last weekend I took PART in a maths competition.
I would like to ... part in this competition.
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I would like to TAKE part in this competition.
see you next week
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do NOT say see you in the next week

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