Artur 28th June (65 min)

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fast food
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junk food
I'm ... McDonald's now.
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I'm AT McDonald's now.
not costing a lot of money
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a clock that you can set to ring a bell, etc. at a particular time and wake you up
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alarm clock
making somebody feel slightly angry
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They ... glued to their phones.
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They WERE glued to their phones.
and her friend was all the time ... the phone
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and her friend was all the time ON the phone
I ... a film yesterday.
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I watched a film yesterday.
I ... watching a film when he called me.
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I was watching a film when he called me.
You called me when I ... sleeping.
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You called me when I was sleeping.
to hit a door, etc. in order to attract attention
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to knock
to knock ON the door
When I ... reading a book, he knocked on the door.
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When I WAS reading a book, he knocked on the door.
When I ... watching TV, my mum asked me for help.
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When I WAS watching TV, my mum asked me for help.
to ask somebody to marry you
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to propose to sb
He proposed to me in Barcelona.

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