Artur 26th Aug (45 min)

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question réponse
I'm sorry, I did it ... mistake.
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I'm sorry, I did it BY mistake.
Did you do it ... purpose?
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Did you do it ON purpose?
to say sorry
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to apologise
He didn't apologise ... being late.
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He didn't apologise FOR being late.
It's my fault.
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My bad.
I'm sorry.
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My apologies.
I'm grateful for your help.
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I appreciate your help.
What's new?
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Same old (same old).
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remember to pronounce H in hotel
We arrived ... Kraków on Friday.
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We arrived IN Kraków on Friday.
BUT: to arrive HOME
to arrive IN+ city / country
We arrived ... the airport at 10.
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We arrived AT the airport at 10.
BUT: to arrive HOME
to arrive AT + place
What's the opposite of arrival?
arrival time
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The opposite of arrival is departure.
departure time
a waiting area for people meeting passengers
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an arrivals lounge
In an airport, the departure lounge is the place where passengers wait before they get onto their plane
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a departure lounge
I want to drink.
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I'm thirsty.
Let's go to ... Old Town.
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Let's go to THE Old Town.
There WERE no buses.
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There weren't any buses.
There is no homework.
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There isn't any homework.
There was no money.
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There wasn't any money.
Go ..., turn ... and then turn...
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Go straight, turn left and then turn right.
... the lights turn left
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at the lights turn left
a place where two or more roads meet, forming a circle that all traffic must go around in the same direction
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a roundabout
... the roundabout turn right
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at the roundabout turn right
the place where two or more roads meet
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a junction
... the junction turn left
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at the junction turn left
Where's the ... hotel/ train station?
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Where's the nearest hotel/ train station?
it's 5 minutes ... foot
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it's 5 minutes ON foot
Wieliczka is a ... mine.
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Wieliczka is a salt mine.
a large strong building with thick, high walls and towers, built in the past by kings or queens
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a castle
Do not pronounce T in castle.
very tasty
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