Artur 11th Jan (45 min)

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question réponse
24th Dec
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Christmas Eve
25th Dec
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Christmas Day
26th Dec
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Boxing Day
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to come over
Do you want to come over on Friday evening?
ответить на вопрос / вопросы
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to answer a questions / questions (Can you please answer my question today?)
an answer TO sth (What was the answer to question 4?)
ответить на что-то / ответить на что-то
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to reply TO sth (Has Ian replied TO your letter yet?)
a reply TO sth (We still haven’t received a reply to our letter.)
Я хочу тебе помочь.
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I would like to help you.
Она могла бы помочь тебе.
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She could help you.
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to promise
Если будет жарко, я приму холодный душ.
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If it's hot tomorrow, I'll take a cold shower.
Если я прочитаю эту книгу, я буду знать, как это сделать.
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If I read this book, I will know how to do it.

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