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I buy SOME bread and butter
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Compro DEL pane e DEL burro
I add some salt and pepper
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Aggiungo DEL sale e DEL pepe
Would you like some water?
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Vuoi/vorresti dell'acqua?
Maria brings SOME sandwiches and SOME milk
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Maria porta DEI panini e DEL latte
I drink some wine and Pietro drinks some beer
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Bevo DEL vino e Pietro beve DELLA birra
There are customers in the shop
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Ci sono DEI clienti nel negozio
W sklepie sa jacys klienci
Some boys are playing football
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DEI ragazzi giocano a calcio
I have friends in France
Mam kilka przyjaciolek we Francji
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Ho DELLE amiche in Francia
A little bit of
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Un po' di
I buy some biscuits
Kupuje troche ciastek
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Compro un po' di biscotti
I buy some biscuits
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Compro dei biscotti
A kilo of
Kilogram czegos
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Un chilo di
I buy a kilo of pasta
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Compro un chilo di pasta
I buy some potatoes
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Compro delle patate
One liter of
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Un litro di
I buy a liter of milk / I buy some milk
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Compro un litro di latte / Compro del latte
One meter of
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Un metro di
I buy a meter of silk / I buy some silk
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Compro un metro di seta / Compro della seta
the box
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la scatola
the can
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la lattina
the bottle
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la bottiglia
A jar
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Un barattolo di marmellata
the packet
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il pacchetto/il pacco di pasta
The pack
opakowanie na jajka
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la confezione
Some orange soda
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Some sugar
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Dello zucchero
Some beer
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Della birra
Some salad
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Dell' insalata
Some jam
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Della marmelata
Some oil
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Dell' olio
Some oranges
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Delle arance
Some spinach
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Degli spinachi
Some pears
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Delle pere
Some chocolates
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Dei cioccolatini
Some cigarettes
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Delle sigarette
Some lemons
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Dei limoni
Some candies
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Delle caramelle
Some apples
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Delle mele
Three cans of beer
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Tre lattine di birra
A bottle of water
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Una bottiglia d'acqua
A jar of jam
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Un barattolo di marmellata
A pack of cigarettes
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Un pacchetto di sigarette
A box of chocolates
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Una scatola di cioccolatini
a bag
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una borsa
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il sacco
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la busta
the cardboard
karton np. mleka
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il cartone
the jar
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il vasetto
a pinch of salt
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un pizzico di sale
a clove of garlic
zabek czosnku
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uno spicchio d'aglio
a drop of
kropla np plynu
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un goccio di
a sprig of dill
pęczek kopru
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un ciuffo di anetto
the tube of toothpaste
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il tubetto di dentifricio
the can of tuna
puszka tunczyka
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la scatoletta di tonno
the sachet of yeast
saszetka drożdży
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la bustina di lievito

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