Arnold 5th Sept

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question réponse
Dziś jest poniedziałek.
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Today IS Monday.
Mój brat jest wysoki.
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My brother is tall.
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to sleep
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to read
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to eat
bawić się/grać
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to play
Jestem Arnold.
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I am Arnold. / I'm Arnold.
Jestem szczęśliwy.
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I'm happy. / I am happy.
Jestem głodny.
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I am hungry. / I'm hungry.
Jestem zmęczony.
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I'm tired. / I am tired.
Jestem chory.
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I'm sick. / I am sick.
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a bit
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sit down
Jesteś w domu.
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You are at home.
Jestem w domu.
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I'm at home. / I am at home.
Jesteś chory.
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You are sick.
Jesteś wysoki.
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You are tall.
Jesteś mądry.
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You are smart.
Jestem mądry.
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I'm smart.
On jest mądry.
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He is smart.
On jest mądry.
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He is smart. / He's smart.
Mój brat jest szczęśliwy.
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My brother is happy.
Moja mama jest piękna.
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My mum is beautiful.
Mój tata jest silny.
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My dad is strong.
Jestem miły. / Mam dobre serce.
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I'm kind.
Adrian jest wysoki.
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Adrian is tall.
Jesteśmy głodni.
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We are hungry.
Jesteśmy sprytni.
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We are smart.
Jesteśmy zmęczeni.
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We are tired.
Jesteś piękna.
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You are beautiful.
Jesteś smutny.
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You are sad.
Oni są niscy.
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They are short.
To jest łatwe.
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It is easy.
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