Arnold 29th Aug

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question réponse
Co teraz robisz?
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What are you doing now?
Siedzisz teraz?
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Are you sitting now?
No, I'm not. / Yes, I am.
Czytasz teraz książkę?
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Are you reading a book now?
No, I'm not. / Yes, I am.
Śpisz teraz?
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Are you sleeping now?
No, I'm not. / Yes, I am.
Tak, teraz siedzę.
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Yes, I'm sitting now. / Yes, I AM.
Czy uczysz się teraz angielskiego?
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Are you learning English now?
No, I'm not. / Yes, I am.
Czy mówisz teraz po angielsku?
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Are you speaking English now?
No, I'm not. / Yes, I am.
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a class / a lesson
Masz teraz zajęcia z Ulą?
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Are you having a class with Ula now?
No, I'm not. / Yes, I am.
Jestem w kuchni.
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I'm in the kitchen.
Ty czytasz teraz książkę.
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You are reading a book now.
Ty pijesz teraz wodę.
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You are drinking water now.
Ty śpiewasz teraz.
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You are singing now.
Ty śpiewasz teraz piosenkę.
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You are singing a song now.
Ty grasz teraz w grę na swoim telefonie.
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You are playing a game on your phone now.
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a phone
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Siedzisz teraz?
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Are you sitting now?
Czy oglądasz telewizję teraz?
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Are you watching tv now?
Czytasz książkę teraz?
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Are you reading a book now?
Teraz siedzę.
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I am sitting now. / I'm sitting now.
Ty siedzisz teraz.
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You are sitting now.
Czy ty siedzisz teraz?
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Are you sitting now?
Czy oglądasz telewizję teraz?
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Are you watching tv now?
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to cook
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to help
Codziennie myję ręce.
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I wash my hands every day.
On codziennie myje ręce.
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He washES his hands every day.
Pracuję każdego dnia.
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I work every day.
Ona pracuje codziennie.
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She workS every day.
Moja mama pracuje codziennie.
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My mum workS every day.
Mój tata pracuje codziennie.
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My dad workS every day.
Codziennie jeżdżę na rowerze.
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I ride a bike every day.
Moja mama codziennie jeździ na rowerze.
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My mum rideS a bike every day.
Do zobaczenia wkrótce.
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See you soon.

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