Arnold 25th July

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question réponse
Co jest stolicą Litwy?
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What's the capital of Lithuania?
Stolicą Litwy jest Wilno.
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The capital of Lithuania is Vilnius.
Stolicą Nowej Zelandii jest Wellington.
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The capital of New Zealand is Wellington.
Ile masz lat?
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How old are you?
Mam 10 lat.
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I'm 10 (years old).
Jakiej jesteś narodowości?
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What nationality are you?
Jestem Litwinem.
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I'm Lithuanian.
Jak masz na imię?
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What's your name?
Jestem Arnold.
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I'm Arnold.
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a language
Nie wiem.
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I don't know.
W jakich językach mówisz?
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What languages do you speak?
Mówię po polsku, litewsku, rosyjsku i angielsku.
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I speak Polish, Lithuanian, Russian and English.
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How many?
Iloma językami mówisz?
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How many languages do you speak?
Mówię czterema językami.
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I speak four languages.
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Nie mówię po niemiecku.
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I don't speak German.
Gdzie mieszkasz?
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Where do you live?
Mieszkam w Wilnie.
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I live in Vilnius.
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Miłego dnia.
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Have a nice day.
Do zobaczenia.
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See you.
Co słychać?
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How are you?
U mnie wszystko ok, a u Ciebie?
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I'm fine, and you? / I'm well, and you? / I'm good, and you?

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