Arnold 25th Jan (30 min)

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an adventure
Lubię przygody.
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I like adventures.
Która godzina?
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What time is it?
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Wczoraj miałam 7 lekcji.
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Yesterday I had 7 lessons / classes.
Zacząłem szkołę o 8:00.
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I startED school at 8:00.
Odrobiłem lekcje.
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I did my homework.
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Co robisz w ten weekend?
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What are you doing this weekend?
Jadę do Warszawy. (PLAN)
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I'm going to Warsaw.
Zostaję w domu. (PLAN)
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I'm staying at home.
Spotykam się ze znajomymi. (PLAN)
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I'm meeting up with my friends.
Jakie są Twoje plany na ten weekend?
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What are your plans for this weekend?
w ostatni piątek
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last Friday
Raz w tygodniu on słucha audiobooków.
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He listenS TO audiobooks once a week.
Teraz słucha audiobooka teraz
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He's listening to an audiobook now.
W zeszłym tygodniu on słuchał audiobooka.
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He listened to an audiobook last week.

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