Arnold 22nd Oct

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question réponse
Moim ulubionym dniem tygodnia jest sobota.
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My favourite day of the week is Saturday.
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a vegetable
Moje ulubione warzywo to marchewka.
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My favourite vegetable is a carrot.
Moim ulubionym owocem jest pomarańcza.
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My favourite fruit is an orange.
pora roku
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a season
Jaka jest twoja ulubiona pora roku?
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What's your favourite season?
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Moją ulubioną porą roku jest lato.
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My favourite season is summer.
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a month
Moim ulubionym miesiącem jest październik.
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My favourite month is October.
Jakie jest twoje ulubione zwierzę?
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What's your favourite animal?
Moje ulubione zwierze to pies.
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My favourite animal is a dog.
Mój ulubiony kolor to żółty.
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My favourite colour is yellow.
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a husband
Twój ulubiony owoc to kiwi.
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Your favourite fruit is a kiwifruit.
Twój ulubiony napój to woda z cytryną.
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Your favourite drink is lemon water.
Twoja ulubiona pora roku to zima.
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Your favourite season is winter.
Twój ulubiony kolor to żółty.
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Your favourite colour is yellow.
Ulubiona pora roku mojej mamy to...
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My mum's favourite season is...
Ulubionym zwierzęciem mojego taty jest...
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My dad's favourite animal is...

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