April 5 100%

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question réponse
Jaki zespół lubisz?
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What band do you like?
Ona jest wokalistka
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She is a singer
Mam własną orkiestrę filharmoni
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I have my own philharmonic orchestra
Kuba gra na pianinie
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Kuba plays the piano
Ona gra na klarnecie
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She plays the clarinet
Zosia gra na trąbce
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Zosia plays the trumpet
Maciek gra na skrzypcach
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Maciek plays the violin
Basia gra na wiolonczeli
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Basia plays the cello
Moi przyjaciele odpowiadają do mnie
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My friends reply to me
Głuchy dyrygent
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Deaf conductor
gramy do rytmu
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we play to the rhythm
nie gramy do rytmu
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we don't play to the rhythm
On napisał słowa do piosenki
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He wrote the lyrics to the song
ona jest kompozytorką muzyki klasycznej
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she is a composer of classical music
Tempo muzyki
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The tempo of the music
tempo było zbyt wolne
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the tempo was too slow
tempo było zbyt szybkie
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the tempo was too fast

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