Anzelika 4th March

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question réponse
Jaka jest dzisiaj pogoda w Auckland?
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What's the weather LIKE in Auckland today?
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overcast / cloudy
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The sky is a bit overcast today.
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weird / strange
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On jest taki dziwny.
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He is SO weird.
On jest takim dziwnym człowiekiem.
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He is SUCH a strange man.
Ona jest taka mądra.
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She is SO smart.
Ona jest taką mądrą kobietą
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She is SUCH a smart woman
Ty jesteś taki wysoki.
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You are SO tall.
Ty jesteś takim wysokim mężczyzną.
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You are SUCH a tall man
To było takie trudne.
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It was so difficult.
To było takie trudne pytanie.
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It was such a difficult question.
To jest takie nudne.
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It's so boring.
To jest taki nudny film.
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It's such a boring film.
Jest zbyt niski, żeby grać w koszykówkę.
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He's too short to play basketball.
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To jest za ciężkie, żeby to podnieść.
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It's too heavy to lift it.
Zrób to teraz.
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Do it now.
Nie chcę tego teraz robić.
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I don't want to do it now.
Miałeś dobry weekend?
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Did you have a good weekend?
Co robiłeś w weekend?
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What did you do on the weekend?
w weekend
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on THE weekend
Co robisz w weekendy?
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What do you do ON WEEKENDS?
Co twoja córka robi w weekendy?
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What does your daughter do on weekends?
Co robisz teraz?
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What are you doing now?
Co robisz w ten weekend? / Jakie masz plany na weekend?
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What are you up to this weekend?
W ten weekend jadę do Polski. (plan)
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I'm going to Poland this weekend.
Co robisz dziś wieczorem? / Jakie masz plany na wieczór?
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What are you up to tonight?
Nie wiem. Może obejrzę film.
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I don't know. Maybe I WILL watch a film.
Co ty kombinujesz?
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What are you up to?
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an uncle
Uncle Ben's (RICE)
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a doughnut
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to pretend - pretendED - pretendED
podwójna randka
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a double date
Oni zjedli orzechy.
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They ate nuts.
Jej chłopak miał reakcję alergiczną na orzechy.
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Her boyfriend had an allergic reaction to nuts.
mieć reakcję alergiczną na coś
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to have an allergic reaction TO sth
być uczulonym na coś
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to be allergic TO sth
Czy on jest uczulony na orzechy?
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Is he allergic to nuts?
Czy masz jakieś alergie (pokarmowe)?
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Do you have any (food) allergies?
Myślę, że on jest uczulony na truskawki.
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I think he's allergic TO strawberries.
On jest uczulony na... / On ma alergię na...
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He is allergic to ... / He has an allergy to...
Jarek nie jest na nic uczulony.
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Jarek isn't allergic to anything.
straszny moment
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a scary moment
straszny film
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a scary film
Boję się. / Obawiam się. + OF sth/sb
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I'm scared. / I'm afraid. + OF sth/sb
She IS scared of spiders. / She is afraid OF spiders.
Ona zabrała go do szpitala.
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She took him to the hospital.
to take - took - taken
to take sb to + place
Czy możesz zabrać mnie do pracy?
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Can you take me to work?
podrzucić kogoś / podwieźć gdzieś kogoś
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to give sb a lift
Nie zatrzymała się na czerwonym świetle.
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She didn't stop at the red light.
bilet / madat
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a ticket
Ona nie dostała mandatu.
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She didn't get a ticket.
sędzia / sędzina
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a judge
sytuacja awaryjna
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an emergency
Ona nie miała wyboru.
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She had no choice.
To jest sytuacja awaryjna!
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It's an emergency!
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to choose - chose - chosen

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