Anzelika 11th Dec

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wstawaj, szkoda dnia
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rise and shine
wschód słońca
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zachód słońca
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Jest dziesiąty grudnia.
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It's the tenth of December.
Wczoraj był ósmy marca.
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Yesterday was the 8th of March.
Moje urodziny są dwudziestego czwartego marca.
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My birthday is on the 24th of March.
Mój mąż urodził się dwudziestego trzeciego września.
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My husband WAS BORN on the 23rd of September.
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a tree
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a Christmas tree
Wesołych Świąt
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Merry Christmas
Poszliśmy na spacer.
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We went for a walk.
Musiałem jechać samochodem.
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I had to go by car.
Musieliśmy jechać samochodem.
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We had TO go by car.
Muszę iść do domu.
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I have to go home.
Muszę iść do pracy.
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I have to go to work.
Ona musi iść spać.
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She has to go to sleep.
Ona musiała sprzedać samochód.
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She had to sell her car.
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jej włosy
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her hair
Lubię jej włosy.
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I like her hair.
Nie musisz codziennie pomagać swojemu bratu.
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You don't have to help your brother every day.
Ona nie musi pracować w weekendy.
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She doesn't have to work on weekends.
Nie musieliśmy jechać do Warszawy wczoraj.
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We didn't have to go to Warsaw yesterday.
Nie mam psa.
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I haven't got a dog. / I don't have a dog.
Nie mam żadnych pytań.
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I haven't got any questions. / I don't have any questions.
Ona nie ma kota.
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She hasn't got a cat. / She doesn't have a cat.
Czy masz rodzeństwo?
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Have you got any siblings? / Do you have any siblings?
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jeść „na mieście”
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to eat out
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Are you sure?
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Przepraszam, nie mówię biegle po angielsku. Czy możesz przeformułować swoje pytanie? / Nie rozumiem twojego pytania.
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Sorry, I'm not fluent in English. Can you please rephrase your question? / I don't understand your question.
Kto zrobił to ciasto?
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WHO made this cake?

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