Ania P. 27th May (45 min)

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a habit
To jest mój nawyk.
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It's my habit.
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a routine
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Ja zawsze wstaję o 6.
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I ALWAYS get up at 6.
Ona zawsze wstaje o 5.
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She always getS up at 5.
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Ja nigdy nie chodzę spać o 10.
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I NEVER go to sleep at 10.
On nigdy nie chodzi spać o 9.
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He never goES to sleep at 9.
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Ja często piję kawę.
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I often drink coffee.
Mój brat często pije herbatę.
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My brother often drinkS tea.
Ja piję mleko teraz.
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I'm drinking milk now.
the Present Continuous - TWO elements: am/is/are + verb-ING
Ona śpi teraz.
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She IS sleepING now.
My oglądamy tv teraz.
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We ARE watchING tv now.
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Czasami chodzę do kina.
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Sometimes I go to the cinema.
Czasami jego siostra chodzi na basen.
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Sometimes his siter GO to the pool.
Ja idę do teatru teraz.
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I'M goING to the theatre now.
Ona idzie do pracy teraz.
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She IS goING to work now.
My idziemy do szkoły teraz.
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We ARE goING to school now.
od czasu do czasu
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from time to time
Od czasu do czasu czytam ksiązki po angielsku.
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From time to time I read books in English.
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every day
Codziennie myję zęby.
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Every day I brush my teeth.
Codziennie nasza mama gotuje dla nas.
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Every day our mum cookS for us.
Nasz tata gotuje obiad teraz.
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Our dad IS cookING dinnner now.
raz w tygodniu
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once a week
raz w miesiącu
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once a month
raz w roku
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once a year
dwa razy w tygodniu
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twice a week
dwa razy w miesiącu
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twice a month
dwa razy w roku
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twice a year
trzy razy w tygodniu
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three times a week
trzy razy w miesiącu
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three times a month
cztery razy w roku
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four times a year
pięć razy w miesiącu
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five times a month
Dwa razy w tygodniu oprawiam jogę.
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Twice a week I do yoga.
Trzy razy w miesiącu ona jeździ do Warszawy.
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Three times a week she goES to Warsaw.
Ja mieszkam w Warszawie.
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I live in Warsaw.
a permanent situation
Moja najlepsza przyjaciółka mieszka w Niemczech.
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My best friend liveS in Germany.
a permanent situation
codziennie rano
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every morning
codziennie po południu
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every afternoon
codziennie wieczorem
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every evening
Codziennie rano biorę zimny prysznic.
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Every morning I take a cold shower.
Codziennie wieczorem moja córka bierze gorącą kąpiel.
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Every evening my daughter takeS a hot bath.
brać prysznic
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to take a shower
brać kąpiel
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to take a bath
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to sit
siedzieć przy stole
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to sit at a table
Ja siedzę przy stole teraz.
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I'M sittING at a table now.
podlewać kwiatki
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to water plants
Podlewam moje kwiatki raz w tygodniu.
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I water my plants once a week.
Moja mama podlewa teraz kwiatki.
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My mum IS waterING plants now.
w każdy weekend
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every weekend
w każdy piątek
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every Friday
w każdy poniedziałek
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every Monday
we wtorek
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ON Tuesday
w środę
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ON Wednesday
w czwartki
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ON ThursdayS
w soboty
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ON SaturdayS
w każdą niedzilę
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every Sunday
W każdy weekend śpię dłużej.
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Every weekend I sleep in.
W każdą sobotę ona śpi dłużej.
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Every Saturday she sleepS in.
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a step-father / a step-dad
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Ja ma 30 lat.
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I'M thirty (years old).
Do NOT say: I have 30.
Ona ma 25 lat.
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She'S twenty five. / She is twenty five.
Do not say: She HAS twenty-five.
Ja mam psa.
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I have a dog.
Ona ma kota.
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She HAS a cat.
Oni mają dwa koty.
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They HAVE two cats.
Mój przyjaciel ma dwa psy i kota.
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My friend HAS two dogs and a cat.
Moi rodzice mieszkają na wsi.
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My parents LIVE in the countryside.
Moja mama mieszka na wsi.
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My mum liveS in the coutryside.
Mój tata mieszka na wsi.
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My dad liveS in the countryside.

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