Ania 14th Oct (45+15)

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the other way round
Let's do it the other way round.
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my bad
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mój błąd
to switch (to sth)
Hold on, I'll switch to my computer.
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przełączyć się (na coś)
Let's switch to English.
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Przejdźmy na angielski.
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to stay - stayed - stayed
I stayed at home.
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to read sth online
do NOT say: in online
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czytać coś online
I had to write different things.
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Musiałem napisać różne rzeczy.
I have to help my mum.
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Muszę pomóc mojej mamie.
I had to write a report.
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Musiałem napisać raport.
a colleague
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kolega / koleżanka z pracy
I didn't call you yesterday because I had to help my mum.
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Nie zadzwoniłam wczoraj, bo musiałam pomóc mamie.
She HAS to do her homework every day.
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Ona musi odrabiać lekcje codziennie.
She has to write a report.
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Ona musi napisać raport.
She had to write a report.
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Ona musiała napisać raport.
I need peace and quiet.
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Potrzebuję ciszy i spokoju.
my grandma'S house
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dom mojej babci
my mum's bike
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rower mojej mamy
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terapia rozwoju
I love reading.
I love travelling.
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Kocham czytać.
I work from Monday to Friday.
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Pracuje od poniedziałku do piątku.
Is it convenient for you to meet on Friday?
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in May
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w maju
in June
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w czerwcu
to get together
Let's get together on Friday.
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spotkać się
a mix of people
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mieszanka ludzi
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Is it convenient for you to meet on Friday morning?
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Czy pasuje Ci spotkanie w piątek rano?
in April
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w kwietniu
once a month
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raz w miesiącu
in total
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w sumie
Let's meet around 12.
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Spotkajmy się około 12:00.
the 1st / the first
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the 2nd / the second
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the 3rd / the third
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the 4th / the fourth
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the 5th / the fifth
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the 13th
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the 20th
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the 30th
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the 31st of December
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trzydziesty pierwszy grudnia
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a birthday
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When is your birthday?
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Kiedy są twoje urodziny?
When is her birthday?
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Kiedy są jej urodziny?
My birthday is in August.
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Moje urodziny są w sierpniu.
She loveS classical music.
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Ona uwielbia muzykę klasyczną.
I'll let you know on Monday.
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Dam znać w poniedziałek. (obietnica)
I'll call you tomorrow.
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Zadzwonię do ciebie jutro. (obietnica)
I'll text you know on Friday.
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Napiszę do ciebie wiadomość w piątek. (obietnica)

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