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commencer à apprendre
a process in which something happens more and more quickly
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the profession or work of keeping or checking financial accounts, calculating taxes etc
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to admit or accept that something is true or that a situation exists
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to examine or think about something carefully, in order to understand it
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an official examination of a company’s financial records in order to check that they are correct
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informal a book or film that is very good or successful
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if information, facts, ideas etc circulate, they become known by many people / spread
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to decide that something is true after considering all the information you have
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unable to understand or think clearly about what someone is saying or what is happening
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a plan for dealing with a future event or situation that might cause problems
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to encourage someone to start behaving in an immoral or dishonest way
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when a subject or event is reported on television or radio, or in newspapers
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deserving or able to be believed or trusted
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action taken to limit the damaging effects of an accident
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a fault or a lack of something that means that something or someone is not perfect
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completely evil or morally unacceptable
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to make someone react less strongly to something by making them become used to it
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to make something publicly known, especially after it has been kept secret
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to send someone or something somewhere for a particular purpose
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relating to an activity, product etc that depends on or happens after another activity etc
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to happen after or as a result of something
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a rich person, especially someone who does not deserve to be rich
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to not know what to say or do because you feel confused or upset
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a folding bicycle, bed, chair etc has parts that you can bend or fold together to make it easier to carry or store
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to think or know that something is going to happen in the future
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commencer à apprendre
to completely understand a fact or an idea, especially a complicatedone
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the number of times something happens, especially crime, disease
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not directly caused by something
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certain to happen and impossible to avoid
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an example of a particular kind of situation
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to ask someone a lot of questions for a long time in order to get information, sometimes using threats
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if something invigorates you, it makes you feel healthier, stronger, and have more energy
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felt or experienced in your own mind but not expressed to other people
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stuck and impossible to move
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to describe or explain something clearly
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the use of the legal system to settle an argument, put right an unfair situation etc
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the degree to which something can reasonably be expected to happen
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a soldier who fights for any country or group that will pay him
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commencer à apprendre
a feeling of great anger and shock
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if someone is overwhelmed by an emotion, they feel it so strongly that they cannot think clearly
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when someone is ready for something
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a meeting held by a person or group at which they answer questions from people who write or present news reports
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an official statement giving information to the newspapers, radio, or television
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to think that something is caused by something else
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an area that covers a particular distance in all directions from a central point
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a robust system, organization etc is strong and not likely to have problems
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play an exercise in which you pretend to be in a particular situation, especially to help you learn a language or deal with problems
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a substance, such as silicon, that allows some electric currents to pass through it, and is used in electronic equipment
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large in amount or number
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as much as is needed for a particular purpose
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happening or done quickly and immediately
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to touch something or make changes to it without permission, especially in order to deliberately damage it
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in that place, or in that piece of writing
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an unforeseen situation is one that you did not expect to happen
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an action that breaks a law, agreement, principle etc