angielski u6

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question réponse
kupować mniej produktów
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buy fewer products
ograniczac zuzycie energi
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cut down on energy use
uprawiać własne warzywa
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grow your own vegetables
instalować panele słoneczne
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install solar panels
ocieplac domy
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insulate homes
wykorzystywac materialy wtorne
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recycle waste
oszczedzac wode
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save water
zaprzestac uzywania plastikowych toreb
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stop using plastic bags
podejście do czegoś
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approach to sth
w wyniku czegoś
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as a result of something
być wyposażonym w coś
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be equipped with something
narzekac na cos
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complain about something
iść na marsz protestacyjny
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go on a protest march
inwestowac w cos
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invest in something
zwracac sie do kogos o cos
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look to sb for sth
zrobic krok naprzod w czymś
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make a step forward in something
przygotowac sie do czegos
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prepare for something
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become extinct
specjalisci od ochrony przyrody
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conservstion experts
okrutne zachowanie
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cruel act
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die out
zagrozony gatunek
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endangered species
laczyc sie w pary
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ochronic gatunek
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make a species survive
naturalne srodowisko zycia
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natural habitat
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rozmnazac sie
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a reptile
ocalic gatunek od wyginiecia
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save the species from extinction
calkowity zakaz
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total ban
lowca trofeow
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trophy hunter
schronisko dla zwierzat
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animal shelter
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baking hot
sciezka rowerowa
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bike lane
spaliny samochodu
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car fumes
przyczepa kempingowa
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a caravan
radzic sobie z czyms
commencer à apprendre
cope with

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