angielski negotiations

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iść naprzód z czymś
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to go ahead with sth
przeciwnik / inna strona
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adversary/oponent/other party
you can't move forward because two parties cannot find a way to end a disagreement (utknąć w martwym punkcie)
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to end in a deadlock
An act of using person's feelings in order to persuade them to do smth or feel smth (uciekać się do szantażu emocjonalnego)
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resort to emotional blackmail
it describes a situation when one person can win only by causing another person lose (gra o sumie zerowej / wygrana-przegrana)
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zero-sum game/win-lose
jednorazowy deal
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one-off deal
very direct conflict (first situation)
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head-on conflict
It's difficult to change your position (jest mało miejsca na manewr)
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(there is) little room for manoeuvre/no leeway
do whatever you have to do to win (za wszelką cenę)
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at all costs
Nie warte zachodu (It was too much trouble)
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hassle (It's not worth the hassle)
An agreement that partialy satisfies both sides
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only one topic was being discussed
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A single-issue negotiation
Drawing someone's attention to smth else by proposing smth in exchange
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expanding the pie
Bone of contention (kwestia sporna)
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sticking point
kierować się w stronę
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to head for
uprzedzać/udaremniać komuś zrobienie czegoś
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