Angielski koło 5

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aliments of the locomotory system
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arthristic pain, masticatory muscle myositis
diseases of the oral cavity
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tooth loss, gum disease, tartar
problems affecting the senses
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sudden blindness, hearing loss, staggening
metabolic diseases
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kidney disease, Diabetes mellitus
endocrine disorders
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diseases of the urinary track
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loss of sphincter control
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urine leakage
neoplastic diseases
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age-related cancer
skin diseases
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itchy skin, hair loss
What can be done medically if a dog suffers from arthritis?
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See your veterinarian
What are some dental problems that a senior dog may suffer from?
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Bad breath and bleeding gums which causes diseases of oral cavity
What diseases can cause bad breath?
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tartar, gum disease, tooth loss and all potencjal problems
What can cause blindness or loss of hearing?
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infection, poisoning, age-related, cancer
what should a dog's diet be adjusted to?
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dogs should be fed a diet appropriate for their age and general health
Why do some dogs start drinking more water?
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increased water intake are diabetes and kidney problems
What can happen if a dog suffers from urinary track infection?
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dog can start having accidents such as urine leakage
What do dogs if they feel itchy?
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dogs can do a lot of damage to their skin by living, scratching and biting
an inability do produce milk
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an inability to produce offspring
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A skin disease caused by dermotophytes, leading to itching and hair loss
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ringworm - grzybica
A disease of the digestive system, causinf very loose, watery stools
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scours - biegunki
A skin damage caused by arasitis mites, leading to intense skin itching, crusting and hair loss
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mange - swierzb
an inflammatory disease of the udder
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an inflammatory disease of the lungs
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A sac, a cyst or a swollen Bursa containing fluid
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hygromata - cysty
A mechanical injury of the teats
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damaged teats
any disease of the breath ing system
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respiratory disease
an acute bacterial infection of the skin caused by streptococci
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erysipelas - rozyca
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ostry, gwałtowny
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Under what conditions keeping farm animals outdoor is better for their health than housing them i doors?
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given windbreaks, the possibility to shelter in inclement weather and of shade in summer, and avoidance of muddy conditions and of overstocking
In the past, what diseases tended to afflict animals kept indoor?
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pneumonia or scours in calves, infertility in the bull, agalactia in the sow, mastitis in the dairy cow, respiratory disease in poultry
What behavior does intensive rearing of the poultry cause?
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Why is the loose- housing of cows recommended over tied-up cowsheds?
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the cow is free to move around, and such exercise is in itself important
Why do house pigs have to be given feed supplements of minerals and vitamins?
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pigs, for instance, confined on concrete have no opportunity for the normal scavenging, which can obviate mineral or vitamins deficiencies
What infections agent can be transmitted from calves to pigs? From pigs to sheep? From cows to horses? From sheep to goats?
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particular strain of E. Coli, erysipelas, ringworm, Trichostrongylus axei- stomach hair worm
A Group of animals
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herd - stado
the ratio of FAT to the whole amount of milk, given in %
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milk FAT percentage - procentowa zawartość tłuszczu w mleku
A health problem affecting feet
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laminitis - ochwat
A Young cow which has not calved before
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heifer - jałówka
giving birth to A calf
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Calving - cielenie
food, eg hay or concentrates given to farm animals
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feed - pasza
the first of the four compartments of a complex stomach
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rumen - żwacz
an enclosure in which cow is tied up
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stall - stanowisko
material covering the floor in a cowshed
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bedding material - ściółka
things which make one more likely to do something
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predisposing factor
What are the causes of acidosis?
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over feeding concentrates, over mixing, under feeding forage
What are the signs of acidosis?
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yellowish diarrhea, string of mucus out of nose, weaking badly
How to prevent acidosis?
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rwduce concentrates, TMR, encrease forages, shake your box
to shed feathers of hair
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moulting/ to moult
A male bird
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sharp nails on birds legs
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when eggs break letting young birds (hatchlings) out
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to hatch
the covering of birds body
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they form the covering of birds body
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a pattern consisting of very small dots
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a soft waxy swelling at the top of a beak
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ornamental feathers on the throat of some birds
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to warm up eggs with your own body
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sit on eggs
one of 2 extermities a bird uses for flying
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a female bird
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a Hollow Place made or found by birds to lay eggs
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a small bar or a twig on which a bird can sit
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a hard and pointed part of birds mouth
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tiny stripes
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rounded marks on the throat
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throat spots
to produce eggs
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lay eggs
on aperture at the back of a body, an anus
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posterior vent
the face of a bird
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mix of seeds
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mieszanka nasion
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spray millet
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proso w klosach
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cow's milk
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krowie mleko
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mniszek lekarski
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green food
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karma zielona, zielonki
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drinking water
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woda do picia
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Piasek, drobny żwirek
canary seed
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ziarno kanaru
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smakołyk, przysmak
to count one's chickens before they hatched
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depend on Something Before one really has it
the early bird catches the worm
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WhoEver gets up early has a better chance to succeed
to kill two birds with one stone
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to manage to do two Things with Just one Action
to look like the cat that swallowed the canary
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to look very pleased with oneself
birds of a feather flock together
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people who are some how similar keep together
like water off a duck's back
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with no effect easily ignored or forgotten
a little bird told me
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i learned Something from a Secret Source I do not want to name
a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
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Something you have already achieve it is Worth More that Something you may try to achieve but risk losing What you have
a bird's eye view
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View from Above, from a Plane
to go to bed with the chickens
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to go to bed very early
very busy, hurried, full of excitement
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a person who pursues a hobby
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to feel sorry to have to do something
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a small job that must be done regularny, eg at home
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keeping in working order
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a kind, a Type, in Plants also a cultivar
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peacefulness, the sense of calm
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Coral colonies
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Coral reefs
a large group of fish swimming together
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keeping fish is good for you because
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they provide a valuable element of relaxing tranquality
the most popular cold water fish are
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the most expensive fish to keep our
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Marine fish
you can buy either a plastic tank or
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Glass One
tropical fish will require the following equipment
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heater and thermostat
marine fish cannot be kept in a
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Glass embedded In A metal Frame
routine maintenance of an aquarium involves
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Tank cleaning, pruning live Plants, isolating sick fish, Checking Electric wiring and other equipment
there are three types of fish food
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flake food, live food, frozen food

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