angielski get

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question réponse
odniesc wrazenie
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get impression
nie zrozumiec czegos
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get the wrong end of stick
miec szanse
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get a chance
nie zrozumiec zartu
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dont get a joke
poznac kogos
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get to know of sb
zlapac kogos
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get hold of sb
pozbyc sie
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get rid of
odegrac sie
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get ones own back on
wpasc w klopoty
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get into trouble
usunac sie z drogi
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get out of the way
zejdz na ziemie
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get real
zaczni zyc
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get a life
nic nie wskorac
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not getting anywhere
dzialac komus na nerwach
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get on sb nerves
wziac sie w garsc
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get sb act together
odrazu sie z kims zaprzyjaznic
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get on like a house of fire
pospieszyc sie
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get move on
odniesc sukces
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get on
zalapac cos
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get the message
zaczac zwiazek
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get together
stawiac na swoim
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get sb own way
commencer à apprendre
get over
commencer à apprendre
get on with
dotrzec do kogos
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get thorough to
stac sie
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get into
przemieszczać się
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get around
uniknac kary
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get away with
radzic sobie
commencer à apprendre
get by
spozniac sie
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get behind
zasmucac kogos
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get sb down
wymigac sie z czegos
commencer à apprendre
get out of
odpowiedziec komus
commencer à apprendre
get back to

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