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Hi everyone! I'd like to start a thread about the people around us who we admire. The person I admire is Angelina Jolie. She is an american actress, born at June 4 1975. I admire her for the courage she has.
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blog Anglais
Angie and Brad, which is her partner have got 6 children. Three of them are their biological children, but the next 3 was adopted by them.
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She is a very busy woman, as an actress, but she still finds time for the children, which as she said lots of times, are the most important thing in her life. She is also very involved in the charity she owns.
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She helps children in very poor parts of the world. I think there should be more woman same as her, because they have got money, but don't really help them, as they could do it.
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Angelina has money, and doesn't waste them for the next plastic surgery, but helps people. I think it is the highest step of courage. remember, always notice people like her, people that you admire. share something about person you admire with us!

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