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"nebulous concepts like quality of life" commencer à apprendre
in the form of a cloud or haze; hazy
my eyes brimmed with tears commencer à apprendre
być wypełnionym czymś / być pełnym czegoś be full to the point of overflowing.
an exclamation of amazement commencer à apprendre
a sudden cry or remark, especially expressing surprise, anger, or pain.
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the part of the brain at the back of the skull in vertebrates. Its function is to coordinate and regulate muscular activity.
"Then someone in a southern direction was extravagantly sick, almost coughing out his life with his liquor, and his toilet descended like a veritable Niagara" commencer à apprendre
used as an intensifier, often to qualify a metaphor.
"... With an infantile gesture that carried more charm than any carnal caress, little Lolita wiped her lips against my shoulder." commencer à apprendre
relating to physical, especially sexual, needs and activities.
"many false claims are couched in scientific jargon" commencer à apprendre
express (something) in language of a specified style.
"every phantasm of a hope was quickly nullified" commencer à apprendre
przywidzenie / złudzenie / urojenie a figment of the imagination; an illusion or apparition.
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a state of near-unconsciousness or insensibility.
"in the first antimeridian hours there was a lull in the restless hotel night" commencer à apprendre
"her cheeks were suffused with color" commencer à apprendre
być skąpanym (w świetle) / pokrywać (coś barwą) gradually spread through or over.
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"he chortled at his own pun" commencer à apprendre
laugh in a breathy, gleeful way; chuckle.
"You have to operate with a certain refinement to be a diplomat" commencer à apprendre
wyrafinowanie / wykwintność
"He looked at her with such incredulity that she turned away." commencer à apprendre
the state of being unwilling or unable to believe something.
"It was very curious the way she considered - and kept doing so for a long time - all caresses except kisses on the mouth or the stark act of love either "romantic slosh" or "abnormal"" commencer à apprendre
ckliwość / sentymentalne bzdurki
"Then what is the way out of such predicament for human society?" commencer à apprendre
a difficult, unpleasant, or embarrassing situation.
"a perilous journey south" commencer à apprendre
"one shoulder had been flayed to reveal the muscles" commencer à apprendre
peel the skin off (a corpse or carcass).
"She started to open her eyes but winced against the light and closed them again." commencer à apprendre
reacting with a slight involuntary grimace or shrinking movement of the body.
"they donated their collection of prints with the stipulation that they never be publicly exhibited" commencer à apprendre
a condition or requirement that is specified or demanded as part of an agreement.