angielski dodatkowy

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Kilka dni temu
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A couple of day ago
Dawno temu
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A long time ago
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A lot of
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A pair of...
Ponad wszystko
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Above all
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according to
znowu i znowu
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again and again
zgadzać się z
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agree with
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all of a sudden
na całym świecie
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all over the world
cały czas
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all the time
do samego końca
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all the way
i tak dalej
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and so on
przybyć do / w
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arrive at/in
w rezultacie
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as a result
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jak również
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as well as
zapytać o
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ask for
na czas, w jednym momencie
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at a time
na czas, kiedykolwiek
commencer à apprendre
at any time

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