Angielski B1 No problem - zdania

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question réponse
komitet powitalny
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welcome committee
Do you want to (potwierdzić) your arrival?
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Do you want to confirm your arrival?
this action will have (konsekwencje)
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this action will have consequences
(szczegóły) of this agreement
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details of this agreement
a (środek) to achieve a goal
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a means to achieve a goal
(chętny) to work
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willing to work
she (najwyrazniej) needs help
on najwyraźniej cierpiał
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she obviously needs help
he was obviously in pain
it is (koniecznie) that you be therey
koniecznie musisz tam być
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it is necessary that you be there
it is necessary that you be there
I (podejrzewam) she didn’t want to agree
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I suspect she didn't want to agree
no (ślady) remains
without a (ślad) of irony
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no traces remains
without a trace of irony
not much (pozostałości) of the building
let things (pozostawić) as they are
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not much remains of the building
let things remain as they are
he’s (tak naprawdę) a very good driver
yes, it (naprawdę) happened
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he's actually a very good driver
yes, it actually happened
I was (zaniepokojony) to hear that...
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I was concerned to hear that...
she (oprowadziła) us around the house
the security guard (odprowadził) me to the exit
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she conducted us around the house
the security guard conducted me to the exit
He looked completely (wykończony) and exhausted
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He looked completely worn-out and exhausted
brak żywności, niedobór
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shortage of food
żądanie odszkodowania
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claim for damages
the moon (wyłonił się) from behind the clouds
wyjść z pokoju
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the moon emerged from behind the clouds
emerge from room
she did it (bez względu)
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she did it irrespective
co się faktycznie stało?
tak, to się naprawdę zdarzyło
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what actually happened?
yes, it actually happened
odzystać zdrowie
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regain health
przetrwać bez szwanku
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survive intact
zostać skierowanym do specjalisty do szpitala
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be referred to a specialist in hospital
on powiedział zniecierpliwony to koniec gry
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he said impatiently it's game over
On nie odzystał swoich sił
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He did not regain his strength
The snow (pozostał) on the ground for a week.
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The snow remained on the ground for a week.
The new restaurant is (ogromnie) popular.
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The new restaurant is immensely popular.
The truth (ujawniła się) after a long investigation.
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The truth emerged after a long investigation.
I (obraziłem) her by making a joke about her religion
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I offended her by making a joke about her religion
The (stara panna) never married and had no children.
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The spinster never married and had no children.
We are not close friends, but we are (znajomi).
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We are not close friends, but we are acquaintances.
The teacher (ostarżył) the student of cheating.
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The teacher accused the student of cheating.
The light turned red (natychmiast).
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"The light turned red instantly.
The solution to the problem was found (natychmiast).
without any delay or hesitation" or "immediately.
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The solution to the problem was found (immediately.
without any delay or hesitation" or "immediately.
we've become good (znajomymi).
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we've become good acquaintances.

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