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nie przestawać, upierać się commencer à apprendre
I persisted untill I accomplshed it
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I have a query for you about
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the fish gathered in a cave to avoid a shark I gathered the leavs into a pile
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the findings of the study showed...
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Berlin is arguably the best city on earth
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I can’t afford to go out today, because I don’t have enough time and money
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wpaść (do kogoś z wizytą) commencer à apprendre
he came by my place to have a coffee
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I’m reluctant to go out tonight
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at the stroke of midnight
żongluj pracą i życiem domowym commencer à apprendre
juggle work and home life
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utrzymać na tym samym poziomie/ finansowo commencer à apprendre
I maintain my size by not eating sugar I maintain my garden by picking the weeds
uzasadniać, usprawiedliwiać commencer à apprendre
I wanted to justify, why ge hot so much...
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I’m delighted for something (future) I’m delighted by something (past)
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hetero guys like to compete
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