Angielski 30 12

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We have cooperated since the inception of this crisis.
polot, rozmach
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panache, momentum
dużo, kupa, niewątpliwie
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in spates
dziwoląg, oryginał, czub, wariat
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freak, original, crazy wacko
okropny, wstrętny
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terrible, disgusting, obnoxious
His behaviour was obnoxious today!
uginąć, zwisać
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odrobina kapka
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a little drip dash tad
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weaken, feeble, impair, sap, enfeeble, debilitate
a disease that weakens the body's defenses enfeebled by starvation the debilitating effects of surgery a poor diet undermines your health drugs had sapped his ability to think
przestarzały (nieużywany, nieprodukowany, np. o urządzeniu)
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outdatted, obsolutete
nieśmiały, wstydliwy
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shy, shame, coy, modest
wybujały, swawolny nieokiełznany jawnogrzesznica
niezrozumiały akt wandalizmu niczym nieuzasadniona agresja
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exuberant, playful, wanton
act of wanton destruction wanton aggression The plants in their garden are wanton. Your child is wanton. I won't tolerate his behaviour.
wystarczy, zadowalać
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One room will suffice for us. suffice it to say
dobroczynny, charytatywny
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, eleemosynary, altruistic, beneficent, benevolent, charitable, do-good, good, humanitarian, philanthropic (also philanthropical)
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resurrect, raise from the dead
wahać się
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to hesitate, vacilate, waver falter
wavered in his support of the rebels, vacillated until events were out of control never once faltered during her testimony He didn't falter in a very important moment.
słabnąć, wahać się, jąkać się, chwiać się, zataczać
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weaken, hesitate, stutter, waver, stagger
oziębły, chłodny
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=, bone-chilling, freezing, frosty, gelid, glacial, nippy (chłodny, rześki), numbing, - ardent, blazing, boiling, broiling, fervent, fervid, fiery, piping hot, scalding, scorching, searing, seething, sizzling, sultry, sweltering, torrid,
I opiec, przypiec, upiec, II awantura brawl, wrangle, bust-up, fracas, blow-up
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broiling weather
awantura, burda
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brawl, row, scene, fuss, broil, affray, devil to pay, fireworks, scrimmage wrangle, bust-up, fracas, blow-up, throw-down, shindig, shinding
kipieć, roić się (swarm, churn, hive, teem), kotłować
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The place seethed with dogs
duszny, parny
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sultry, steamy
zlewać się potem
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swelter, sweat, perspire,
zdarzyć się, wyjść na jaw
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happen, come out, transpire
Nobody knows what transpired there It transpired that she had been lying all along.
upalny, gorący
ciężki czas, strefa podzwrotnikowa
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torrid time tropical zone, torrid zone
sopel lodu
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nawałnica, tumult zamieszanie, płacz dziecka
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I bystrość, przenikliwość, I smykałka, dryg
żyłka do interesów
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business acumen
bystry, przenikliwy (w radzeniu sobie z ludźmi, problemami)
Te zagadki nie były wyzwaniem dla jego przenikliwego umysłu.
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smart, witty, subtle, astute, acute, shrewd, versatile, savvy, nimble, discerning, dexterous, wide, sagacious, gumptious
I was a very quick child. Grown-ups adored me. He asked me a subtle question. She gave an astute response, Those riddles were no match for his keen mind. He is wide and made a lot of money in a short time.
debatować, dyskutować
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debate, discuss, dissert, discept, dispute
mieć łeb na karku
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gumption, flair, knack, acumen,
have a lot of gumption
katorga, pańszczyzna
niewolnik, poddaństwo osobiste
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torture, serfage serfdom, chore
serf, personal serfdom This work is such a chor

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