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inwestycje wewnętrzne
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Inward investment
nasycony rynek
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saturated market
rynki wschodzące / gospodarki wschodzące /
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emerging markets / emerging economies
stać na uboczu
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stand aside
ożywienie gospodarcze
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recovery, upswing
wzrost, ekspansja, bom (gosp.)
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slump, depression
tempo globalizacji
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pace of globalization
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bezpośrednie inwestycje zagraniczne
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Foreign Direct Investment FDI
spółki zależne, oddziały
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subsidiaries, overseas division
bycie zwolennikiem mechanizmów rynkowych i deregulacji
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being in favour of market forces and deregulation
bycie zwolennikiem dotacji i protekcjonizmu
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being in favour of subsidies and protectionism
taxes imposed on imported goods (=cła)
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quotas (limits)
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bilans handlowy (eksport a import)
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balance of trade
bilans płatniczy
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balance of payments
kursy walutowe
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exchange rates
nadwyżka handlowa/deficyt
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trade surplus / trade deficit
spadek poziomu życia
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drop in living standards
spółka zależna
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money paid by a government to support a business
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długoterminowa umowa kontraktowa
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long-term contractual agreement
partnerzy handlowi
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trading partners
przewaga konkurencyjna
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competitive advantage
polityka monetarna ekspansywna i restrykcyjna
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expansionary and restrictive monetary policy
wysokość oprocentowania
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interest rate
sprzedaż obligacji
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sale of bonds
management hierarchy
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chain of command
a business unit that spends money but does not generate revenue
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cost centre
using a questionnaire to carry out a survey market research
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market research
a continuing increase in profits
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earnings growth
what is shown in an organigram =organization chart)
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management hierarchy
he whole range of products that a company sells
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product portfolio
the main activity of a company that generates most of its profits
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core business
how a product gets from the manufacturer to the end- user
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distribution channel
senior management's vision for the company
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mission statement
financial benefits = increase in share price and dividends) for the owners of the company
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shareholder value
when customers are faithful to a particular product
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brand loyalty
make sure that everything is correct or the way you expect it
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organize people so that they work together effectively
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give someone a job to do
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carry out; make a plan start to work
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have the power to make decisions, make something operate in the way that you want
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make certain that something happens
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change something to fit a new situation
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watch or measure something carefully for a period of time to see how it changes
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(formal) think about or test something before deciding its value, suitability or effectiveness
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formal) control what something will be; officially decide something; find out
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amount of knowledge and experience
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customized; personalized product
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pionierski nowatorski (cutting edge)
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dobrze wyszkolony personel
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well-trained staff

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