Angielski 07 04

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spice relish (sos), condiment, seasoning, flavouring
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season, spce, flavour, dress (sałatkę)
goździk, z
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ząbek czosnku, goździk
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garlic clove, clove
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bend, convex, camber, protuberant, bulgy, bunchy
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highlight, emphasize, feature, point up, bring out
The blue dress brings out your eyes.
rośliny strączkowe
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legumes, pulses
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co tydzień
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every week, week in week out
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Take this pill on alternate days.
oczko w głowie
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apple of the eye
podpuszczać, podjudzać
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excite, bait, catch out, egg on
The peasants excited a rebellion in the village.
ciułać pieniądze
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save money, salt away, scrimp,
ciułacz, osoba chomikująca
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hoarder, clutterbug, scrimper
przyznać się do winy
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to plead guilty, own up, concede, confess, avow
zemdleć, stracić przytomność
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faint, lose consciousness, pass out
rozłączyć się (podczas rozmowy telefonicznej)
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hang up (during a phone call), disconnect,
doigrać się, dostać za swoje
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be in for it
What you did was horrible and I hope you will be in for it.
uwziąć się na kogoś
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be down on somebody, have it in for sb
I don't believe he has it in for you for no reason I don't know her well but I am down on her for breaking up with my friend. - nie znosić

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