ang unit 6

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odległe wspomnienie
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distant memory
stać się przeszłością
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become the thing of the past
może, prawdopodobnie
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may well, is likely to
są znaki ze (prediction)
commencer à apprendre
the sings are
sytuacja dobiegnie końca
commencer à apprendre
the days od -ing will be over
a language used all around tge world
commencer à apprendre
global lauguage
ability to use your laguage
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command of language
pay atention to the world that you use
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mind your language
breakedown in communication
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language barrier
a language that is no loger in use
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dead language
the language which is used for official, legal
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official language
language you used to comunicate everyday
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everyday language
language which can be used to offend someone
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offensive language
gdy trend zaczyna byc popularny on... (startuje)
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take off
gdy produkt zaczyna wychodzic z mody on (traci swoj wygląd)
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has lost its appeal
pobudzanie wyobraźni
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capture the imagination
when people is identyfy with something, is called
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strikes a chord
when product becomes suddenly popular it(staje sie krzykuem mody)
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becomes the latest thing
when something is popular for just shor time we say:
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it's just a passing trend
when there is more sth now than before we say
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the numer has risen
when sth become to trendy because people talk about it we say:
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by word of mouth
przeterminowany(wyszlo z mody)
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chociaz moze to byc trudne
commencer à apprendre
difficult though it may be,
chcoiaz moze to zabrzmic dziwnie
commencer à apprendre
strange as it may seem,

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