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Despite/In spite of
Pomimo faktu
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In spite of the fact that/Despite the fact that
Mimo że
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Even thought/Although
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Z punktu widzenia przeciwnikow
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From the point of view of opponents
Na przyklad
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For example/For instance
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Especially/ Particulary/ In particular
Taki jak
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Such as
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According to
Często mówi sie
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It is often said
Czesto twierdzi sie
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It is often claimed
Czesto sugeruje sie
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It is often suggested
Dane statystyczne pokazuja że
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The statistical data shows that
Dane statystyczne wskazują
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The statistical data indicates that
Dane statystyczne ilustrują że
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The statistical data illustrates that
Z ekonomicznego punktu widzenia
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From an economic point of view
Z naukowego punktu widzenia
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From an scientific point of view
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To sum up/ Summing up
Ogolnie rzecz ujmujac
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On the whole
Biorac wszystko pod uwage
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All things considered
Podsumowujac x2
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All in all
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In conclusion/ To conclude
Rozwazając wszystkie argumenty
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Taking everything into account
Wziąwszy pod uwage obie strony dyskusji
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Having considered both sides of the argument
Gleboko wierze
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I strongly believe
Wydaje mi sie że
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It seems/ appears to me
Wedlug mnie
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To my mind/ To me/ In my opinion
Jezeli chodzi o mnie
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As far as Im concerned
Calkowicie sie nie zgadzam
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I completely disagree
Calkowicie sie zgadzam
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I completely agree
Zdecydowanie podzielam pogląd zwolennikow
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I definitely share the view of the supporters
Zdecydowanie podzielam pogląd przeciwnikow
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I definitely share the view of the opponents
Jestem calkowicie przeciwny
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I am totally against
Calkowicie sie zgadzam że (nie moge bardziej sie zgodzic)
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I could not agree more
Calkowicie popieram poglad ze
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I fully support the view that
Musze wyrazic moja dezapraprobate w stosunku do
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I have to express my disapproval of
Pod zadnym warunkiem
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Under no circumstances

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