ang health 1🤧🥼

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wyglądasz trochę inaczej
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look a bit off-colour
czuć się trochę nieswojo
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feel a bit out of sorts
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under the weather
źle się czuć
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feel poorly
walczyć z przeziębieniem
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fight off a cold
zachorować na grypę
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go down with flu
zachorować na grypę (ja)
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come down with flu
cierpieć z powodu
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suffer from
katar sienny
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hay fever
ból, ból
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ache, hurt
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aches and pains
skaleczenia i siniaki
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cuts and bruises
pieczenie, palenie (ból)
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pulsujący ból
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throbbing pain
sztywny kark
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stiffing neck
siedzieć w przeciągu
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sit in a draught
skręcić kostkę
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twist an ankle
zawroty głowy
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feel dizzy
mieć gorączkę
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be feverish
czuć dreszcze
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feel shivery/ hot and cold
bezsenne noce
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sleepless nights
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nauseous feeling
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be trembling
zatkany nos
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bunged up nose
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get over it
wrócić do zdrowia (po zabiegu np)
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recover from
powracać do zdrowia
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be on the mend
mieć najgorsze za sobą
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be over the worst
wracać na nogi
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be back on feet

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