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question réponse
strona bierna pr. s
commencer à apprendre
operator 3f
strona bierna pr. c
commencer à apprendre
operator being 3f
strona bierna pr p
commencer à apprendre
has been 3f
strona bierna pr.p.c
commencer à apprendre
has been being 3f
strona bierna p s
commencer à apprendre
was 3f
strona bierna p c
commencer à apprendre
was being/ were being + 3 forma
strona bierna p p
commencer à apprendre
had been 3f
strona bierna f s
commencer à apprendre
will be 3 forma
have sth done pr s
commencer à apprendre
have it 3f
have sth done pr c
commencer à apprendre
operator having it 3forma
have sth done pr p
commencer à apprendre
have had it 3f
have sth done pr p c
commencer à apprendre
have been having it 3forma
have sth done p s
commencer à apprendre
had it 3f
have sth done p c
commencer à apprendre
was having it 3forma
have sth done p p
commencer à apprendre
had had it 3f
have sth done f s
commencer à apprendre
will have it 3f

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